The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity PrayerLee Vasey is always looking for ways to explore his love of music and has had the idea of writing a musical for a very long time. The subject of alcoholism is something that is often associated with the music business, and Lee therefore has seen and witnessed the harsh effect it can have on people’s lives, including their close friends and family. He therefore decided to use these experiences and knowledge as a basis for his musical project and during 2010 the idea was born.

The storyline of the musical tells how a person who has an alcohol problem affects the lives of their family and in particular their children. As a result the child has the same issues, and so the problems start all over again in the next generation thus continuing with the vicious circle. The circle needs to be broken otherwise the problem escalates out of control, and you will be pleased to learn that Lee’s musical does have a happy ending when the circle is indeed broken.

The musical incorporates the Serenity Prayer, the original version of which was written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr and adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous. The message it contains will therefore be familiar to anyone who has worked with the AA program.